Tuesday, April 25, 2017

About me and a cause worth figthing for!


All animal lovers out there, I am an author and animal rights advocate, I advocate every day for dog's and cat's that are on death row in NYC Animal Care and Control and other shelters nationwide. I have three furry rescued children. It's a challenge; I won't lie; however I wouldn't trade it for all the tea in China! My furry babies are very dear to me! Their love is unconditional and they keep me amused; when they are not frustrating me with their childlike ways!

 It's sad how many of our nation's animals suffer daily; it is for that reason I fight for their rights. They are voiceless and need us to speak for them! It breaks my heart to see our adoptable pets with broken hearts and spirits, unwanted and dumped in some of the worst places facing death. They know what's happening to them!

Sadly, this takes place around the world daily. I want to find them all forever, humane, loving homes and show them that life does not have to be all pain! Humans do care and they should know this. I am also sickened by the horrific treatment of animals harvested for meat.
Here are some sobering facts:

About 8 million animals enter shelters every year. Approximately 2.6 million animals (32%) are killed (22% of dogs and 45% of cats). http://www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/

Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans. These shocking figures do not even include fish and other sea creatures whose deaths are so great they are only measured in tonnes. http://www.animalequality.net/

Happily, I am not alone in this fight there are many animal soldiers that fight with me, we are looking to reform the current shelter system, where no adoptable animal should be mercilessly killed for lack of homes. We are advocate for stiffer punishment for those that abuse animals and to have more animal welfare laws passed. Animal lives matter and they are not here for us to mistreat in any way!

 Below, is a novella I was inspired, even chosen to write on behalf of homeless and maltreated animals worldwide. It addresses the plights of: unwanted animals, commercial puppy mills, dogs used for fighting, animals harvested for meat, animals used in lab research and more. It's an eye opening heart breaking work that consists of short stories told from the animal point of view. 

This book will make you, breathe a sigh of relief, cry, become angry and think. Most of all it will make you want to help the voiceless!
Included in the appendix is very informative information on our companion animals the world needs to know. They’re animal organizations and rescues listed by state. Many have animals for adoption and opportunities to help. See you in the struggle!

I cried many times while writing this work. It's a must read for all animal lovers and anyone with a heart. I beseech you all to join me in the fight for our abused animals! They're counting on us! 


Here's what some readers had to say about this vital book:

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